Saturday, April 04, 2009

Breakfast & Coffee


I’ve been meaning to write about my breakfast for ages and my coffee machine. I love my modded coffee machine! I added a temperature controller to my Rancillo machine to take out the faffage of ‘temperature surfing’ to get my machine to the right temperature for coffee (apparently 109.0°C). I’ve been drinking Campos Obama Blend which was a gift from some friends and it makes a really nice cup. Yum.

There are only 2 things that can help improve the start to the day...need I say more?

Obviously you need to check out NoSpuds for coffee courses and barista training ;)

1 comment:

Tony said...

I with you on that Phil, Coffee is one of my very few passions. In fact I am considering giving up Development for it... (Campos make really good coffee)